Grown-Up Features and Parent Oversight
No-Cost Savings and Checking Accounts
Our Youth Accounts provide kids the freedom, accountability, and grown-up features they want while allowing parents to help manage and oversee spending. Designed for kids between the ages of 8 and 17.
Online & Mobile Banking
Parent controlled daily spending limit (starting at $40; parents can increase limit if they wish)
the ability to add LLFCU account to Digital Wallet
can make in-branch deposits
parents can transfer funds into Youth Account from their account
Our Youth Accounts are designed to help parents introduce their kids to the world of personal finance. And anyone who joins LLFCU can remain a member of the credit union for life, no matter where they live or work (as long as they maintain membership in good standing). Help your child take their first step toward financial independence and responsibility. Open a Youth account for your child today to help assure their financial well being tomorrow.
Youth Accounts